
Class Act"

Sleepy Hollow

H.S., The Tarry-

towns, New York

Tracy Chapman:

"Baby, Can I

Hold You?"

(To see her perform it live,

touch or click on her photo!)


In 1989, the single release

of this song reached the

Top 20 of the Billboard

Adult Contemporary chart.

Chapman's 1st album,

where she introduced

this song, has--by now--

sold 20 million copies.


Which deli sold combination

wedges just as good as those

made at "Malandrino's"?

Revisit "Greene County" !

(To read about it, touch or
click on its name above!)


Have you ever seen

the 1989 film named:

"Dead Poets Society" ?

(To see a film sample, touch

or click on its name above!)


This web page has received input

from SHHS alumni, including

one or more in attendance

during 1989. It has no formal

connection to the Class of 1989.


Who remembers

the officers of

the Class of '89

(Freshman year)?

John Demers

Tom Doherty

Chris Weis

Marcy Andrew

Victoria Hawes


We bet they have joined

(& are inviting others

in their Class to join)

the Facebook group:

S.H.H.S. Class of 1989!


(Public Facebook URLs follow;

NO Facebook sign-in necessary.)


If a box appears,

touch or click the

'X' to see info.

If you aren't a Face-

book member--& are

using a phone--may I

suggest using the FIRE-

FOX browser when view-

ing these SHHS Class

pages? (It works for me!)

If a request appears--

to open another app--

hit the cancel button.


To join this group,

sign-on to Facebook

& type-in this URL:



Download four files:

Darn near full of

(Freshman) photos!

(If on Windows: right click,

then choose "save link as.")


Did you ever eat at

You weren't alone!

(Touch or click on the cafe’s
name above to learn more!)


Now Our



English teacher

Mrs. Mary



Manhattanville Coll.









Now view a Class

of 1989 video, as

presented at its

20th Reunion

(touch or click on

photo above!).


See more Tarrytown

& NT photos on the

Landing Page

Touch or click--above--or



Batman (the original

motion picture) was

the top film in 1989.


On TV, the Cosby

Show was (again) the

most popular series.

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